Structure & Organisation


Our President

  • Marie-France Pagerey was elected as SNE President in September 2023, for a 3-years mandate.
  • Prof. Udo Herz served as SNE President from 2017 to 2023.

Our Operational Board

Our Operational Board is composed of 12 Directors representing the diversity of the specialised nutrition industry. Our Operational Board defines SNE’s policies and priorities in accordance with the overall strategy approved by the General Assembly.

To view SNE’s members, click here.

Operational board

Marie-France Pagerey

Marie-France Pagerey

SNE President

SANI – Swiss Association of Nutrition Industries

Roberto Baldoli

Roberto Baldoli

Vice President and Treasurer

Unione Italiana Food

Declan O’ Brien

Declan O’ Brien

Vice President

BSNA – British Specialist Nutrition Association (United Kingdom)

Regina Berwind

Regina Berwind

FIAA – Food Industries Association of Austria (Austria)

Norbert Pahne

Norbert Pahne

DIÄTVERBAND – Bundesverband spezielle Lebensmittel e. V. (Germany)

Sasha Lazidu

Sasha Lazidu

VNFKD – Vereniging van Nederlandse Fabrikanten van Kinder- en Dieetvoedingsmiddelen (The Netherlands)

Mareike Preller

Mareike Preller

SEPTEDE – Association of infant foods & specialized nutrition enterprises of Greece (Greece)

Wioleta Dzieszuk-Brzozowska

Wioleta Dzieszuk-Brzozowska

VNFKD – Vereniging van Nederlandse Fabrikanten van Kinder- en Dieetvoedingsmiddelen (The Netherlands)

Xavier Lavigne

Xavier Lavigne

DII – Dairy Industry Ireland

Miriam Ryan

Miriam Ryan

DII – Dairy Industry Ireland

Mike Possner

Mike Possner

DIÄTVERBAND – Bundesverband spezielle Lebensmittel e. V. (Germany)

Teresa García Serna

Teresa García Serna

ANDI – Asociación Nacional de Fabricantes de Productos de Dietética Infantil (Spain)

Hernâni Sério

Hernâni Sério

ANDI – Asociación Nacional de Fabricantes de Productos de Dietética Infantil (Spain)

General Assembly

SNE General Assembly is composed of all SNE members (National Associations). It approves the annual accounts, adopts the roadmap of the association and establishes internal rules of procedure. Each national delegation has the right to one vote.