Interactions with healthcare professionals
Collaborative and inclusive dialogue between healthcare professionals and manufacturers of infant nutrition products is essential to ensure optimal nutrition
The SNE Code of Practice
The SNE code
Press release
SNE position paper
Questions & answers
Why this Code of Practice?
SNE emphasises that the scientific dialogue between healthcare professionals and the infant nutrition industry is essential for optimal childcare and nutrition. SNE endorses industry’s responsibility to maintain the highest ethical standards in such interactions.
What is the Code about?
The SNE Code therefore sets clear rules regarding industry’s interactions with healthcare professionals on infant nutrition, feeding and health. The SNE Code is based on existing EU legislation as well as on existing Codes that were put in place at national level by SNE member associations. It also contains additional and/or more detailed provisions not covered by EU legislation (e.g. on lifelong learning activities organised by the private sector).
Who and what is covered by the Code?
The Code lays down best practices for SNE member associations and their member companies. It applies to their interactions with healthcare professionals and their organisations, taking place in the European countries where SNE’s member associations are located (see ‘our members’ page here). This Code applies to interactions with regard to infant formula, follow-on formula and foods for special medical purposes intended for infants.
When will the Code apply?
SNE’s member associations across 19 European countries are encouraged, in line with their statutes and national context, to either adopt this Code of Practice and/or to review and update their existing Codes, by 31 December 2024.