17 February 2020

The specialised nutrition industry presents its vision for a Sustainable Europe

Brussels, 17th February 2020 – Today, SNE - the voice of the specialised nutrition industry in Europe, presents its vision for a sustainable and healthy Europe, outlining how the European specialised nutrition industry can contribute to the European Green Deal and the associated ‘Farm to Fork Strategy’.

SNE and its members – the national associations of 19 European countries, which represent specialised nutrition manufacturers – are committed to addressing today’s global challenges and improving European consumers’ health and environment. “From the farm to the table, our sector is committed to continue to foster collaboration across the food supply chain to ensure high-quality and responsibly sourced ingredients and raw materials in our products. We are committed to continuing to bring value to Europe and its citizens, but we need the support of EU decision-makers to facilitate the transition to a sustainable and healthy Europe” explains the association in its new Position Paper “Towards a Sustainable Europe”.

To achieve a sustainable Europe, SNE calls on EU policymakers to:

  • Provide greater harmonisation and consistency across all food related policies to deliver safe and high-quality nutrition from Farm to Fork.
  • Promote greater transparency through food information and product labelling allowing healthier and sustainable diet choices for all.
  • Adopt European policies that support research & innovation in nutrition and health to leverage innovative developments for a healthier life.
  • Commit to an ambitious EU trade policy which includes Trade and Sustainable Development chapters in all EU Free Trade Agreements to encourage sustainable trade and exports.
  • Support the transition to a circular economy at EU level by leveraging our sector’s expertise.

We are ready to continuously support the transition to a circular economy at EU level and support open stakeholder dialogues in which we can share our expertise and experience – so that in fine, we can implement – together – more sustainable business practices” concludes the Paper.