The voice of the Specialised Nutrition Industry

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New WHO Guideline on complementary feeling contradicts well-established medical advice


6 ways to recognize Foods for Special Medical Purpose


About us

Specialised Nutrition Europe

SNE members are the National Associations from 19 European countries (including a majority of EU Member States), whose members are companies producing tailor made dietary solutions for populations with very specific nutritional needs. These include: infants and young children, patients under medical supervision, sportspeople, overweight and obese consumers, and those suffering from coeliac disease. These companies range from SMEs to internationally operating companies.


Increase understanding and awareness of the role that foods for specific groups play in the lives of these very particular consumer groups

Facilitate the development of an adapted and proportionate environment in which our industry can continue to operate in a safe, competitive and sustainable way at the local, European and even international level

Ensure the continuous development and delivering of the role that foods for specific groups play in the lives of these very particular consumer groups


24 Billion

The association represents an
annual turnover of approaching
24 billion EUR*

*Based on SNE internal estimates

170 Billion

Health costs caused by the economic impact on malnutrition are estimated at 170 billion EUR in Europe*

*MNI Medical Nutrition Dossier “Better care through better nutrition: Value and effects of Medical nutrition”, Fourth version 2018

Top 3

Specialised nutrition products made in Europe are among the top 3 of the most exported foods from the EU food and drink industry*

*FoodDrinkEurope Data & Trends – EU Food & Drink Industry 2018


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